Articles with tag "didyouknow"

Yes we CAN... add new features

Have you ever experienced an otherwise fine product that is missing just the one feature you need for your application?

DSA in Barebox

The v2022.05.0 Release of barebox introduced initial support for the Distributed Switch Architecture (DSA) Framework. DSA is originally a subsystem from the Linux Kernel, which exposes the individual ports of a network switch IC as virtual network interfaces.

First Steps using the candleLight

So you went and got yourself one of our fancy rocket-penguin branded CandleLight dongles or, being the die hard hacker you are, went and soldered one up in your toaster oven labeled "not food safe". What's next then? How do you use this thing? Let's answer these question by grabbing a Raspberry Pi and exploring some of the possibilities.

Did you know? Initializing CAN interfaces with systemd-networkd

End of January systemd 250 was added to Debian bullseye backports. With a lots of new features and fixes now comes the possibility to set the timing of CAN bus interfaces with systemd-networkd. In this blogpost I will take a look at why this helps us maintain our embedded Linux labs.

labgrid Tutorials

This week, we started our series of YouTube labgrid tutorials. In the next few weeks we will publish more video tutorials showing you labgrid's features and giving you handy tips and tricks.

Showcase: Fail-Safe (OTA) Field Updating

Being able to robustly and securely update embedded systems and IoT devices in the field is a key requirement of every product today. The update framework RAUC is the basis for a modern and future-proof solution. In this showcase we present the basic principles of a fail-safe update system and how Pengutronix can support you with implement this for your platform.

Showcase: Graphics on i.MX8MP

Enabling the graphics output pipeline on the i.MX8M Plus (i.MX8MP for short), is the most recent example on how open-source and upstream driver support for GPU and display engines can reduce effort and risk in a new project.

Showcase: Preempt RT and Time Sensitive Networking

Nowadays, even small and cheap microcontrollers offer enough calculation power to perform time critical tasks within an industrial environment. However, as soon as actors and sensors are spread over an entire facility and are to be connected over Ethernet, the actual moment when a data packet will get processed becomes very hard to predict. At this point, Linux running a Preempt RT Kernel altogether with a network featuring Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) capabilities can help.

Showcase: Remote Working

Project work with our customers includes the handling of hardware prototypes. Since work is generally done in parallel, on many project for many customers, there is a constant flood of hardware prototypes accumulating on the desks of our developers. These accumulations of loose boards can become a problem. This is especially the case when a number of people work on a prototype. Another common annoyance occurs when a project has not been worked on for a period of time, as this might involve moving the hardware from one desk (or storage location) to another and setting it up again. Right now, in a situation where working from home is more common and relevant than ever, this has become even more of an issue. The distances between desks and storage locations of our developers are now measured in kilometers, rather than meters.

Showcase: Embedded off-the-shelf

A firmware upgrade is due. A newly implemented feature needs to be rolled out, a security issue patched or new hardware support added. The software, while capable, is complex. Pengutronix' strategy to handle this complexity is working on a version- controlled Board Support Package (BSP) with continuous updates and tests on the latest mainline Linux kernel.

Showcase: Continuous Testing

About 70,000 patches go into the Linux kernel every year, and many of them are bug fixes. The same applies to most other open source projects that are part of a modern Linux system. In order to benefit from the work in the community, the sensible strategy is to constantly update to the latest software version and keep the system up to date. Of course, with this amount of changes, new bugs can be added or incompatibilities can arise.

#FlattenTheCurve – Introducing Our Remote Setup

The Corona crisis is a challenge that has hit many people as well as most companies quite unexpectedly. The entire team of Pengutronix wants to thank those that currently ensure our essential supplies, health system and civil infrastructure!

PTXdist: Did you know? Today: Just a reboot

While the development on an embedded system I need to reboot it quite often. Doing so I appreciate to keep the required steps as less as possible and be sure the embedded system uses the recently changed data in a consistent manner.

PTXdist: Did you know? Today: Beautify your developer's life

Simplify and beautify your developer's life. An example.

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